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The Spirit of MEG

       Fight for career gratefully.

Core Mission

       We provide people with high quality products and servicewhat makes their life safer, happier and more comfortable.

Core Values

       Working hardinnovating constant , pursuing excellence.

       Working Hard:

       A: Pursuing careerhaving own long-term ideal.

       B: Concentrating on businesshaving a spirit of enterprise and dedication.

       C: Working with passion and audacityfacing up to trouble manfully.

       D: Making a goal and fight for.

       E: Having a strong sense of responsibility and mission.

       Innovating constant:

       A: Innovating constantly and bravely in products and management.

       B: Searching for the better solutionin order to a perfect result.

       C: Learning others and catching up with.

       Pursuing Excellence:

       A: Keeping striving for excellence on everythingin order to be the best.

       B: Self-disciplined with high standards.

       C: Self-criticismimproving and perfecting the weekness.

The Pursuit of Customers, Service and Attitude

       Moving you with heart.

Talent Concept:

       Everyone is a talent , not race horsesbeing in MEGas long as you have the abilitywith your effort at the same timewe prepare space for you to development.

Executive Culture:

       The highest standard of administration isdecisionsystemprocess and promise.

Team Culture:

       Everyone is a part of teamimprove with the company’s progresssuccess with teamwork.

Quality, Policy and Goal:

       A: Everyone do his jobchecking at each linkstrictly follow to.

       B: Always concentrating on quality improvementthere is no best but better.

       C: We hold to the purpose of “strictcharinessrealconstant”be a good megman ,provide high-quality products ,and let customers pleased with us.

Attitude to work and study:

       To be a good megman, be active and improve 1% everyday be Rowan from “A Message to Garcia”.


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