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UV Roller Coating Offset Printing Varnish
Product Name:

UV Roller Coating Offset Printing Varnish 


1) Apply to packaging varnishing of gold&silver cardboard, PVC, etc. paper materials, may online glazing

after UV offset printing process.

2) High curing speed , good gloss and adhesion, excellent folding and scratch resistance, resist scrubbing

most of organic solvent, water, alkali and acid,etc.

Technology Data:

1) Surface: Faint yellow, transparent fluid.

2)Curing Speed:(120 W/cm ¡Á1-5Hg lamp),Generally speak printing speed is 15-200m/min .

3) Viscosity: (25¡æ,TU-4cup) 30-60S

4) Diluent: UV series professional diluent.

5) Printing Method: Offset press, roller coater

Product Type:

UJ-0005E-07C low odour

UJM-0009TJ  UV gold blocking roller coating varnish

UJ-0003  UV anti-water spray roller coating varnish




Meilianxing £¨Shenzhen£©Ink Co., LTD is a UV ink flagship corporation in China and was formed in 2001, one of the largest domestic UV ink centers, which specialized in r&d production¡¢sales and after-sales service. we manufacture all our own inks and solvent products(including meg, gold cercis and haose), we do not buy-in and re-sell other brands.



Focus on high quality,UV ink for 16 years!

SHENZHEN MEG TRADING CO.,LTD All rights reserved ÔÁICP±¸05128812ºÅ
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